joi, 14 mai 2009

Smart fan in Top Gear

Un moment important in existent oricarui club de masini este acela cand se scrie de el intr-o gazeta, recunoscuta international ca scrie numai lucruri interesante despre masini. Acest lucru s-a intamplat Clubului fanilor Smart din Romania. are in luna mai dedicat un articol in revista Top Gear, editia de Romania. De la descrierea unora din masinile membrilor vechi pana la aprecierea legaturilor stranse dintre membri club si diversele activitati organizate de-alungul timpului, articolul s-a bucurat de un adevarat success printre membri smartfan.

Revista poate fi inca gasita la standurile de presa, asa ca grabiti-va sa va luati propriul exemplar.


A big moment in the existence of every car club is when they get to write about them self in a magazine, a magazine known as a top of the line in the car business. This happened to Smart Fan club from Romania. has in the Romanian edition of Top Gear, may issue an article. Starting with the car description of the older members and going to appreciation of the strong tights between the members and ending with different activities organized by the club during the time, article was a huge success among the members of smartfan.

The magazine can still be found in press shops, so hurry up and grab your copy.

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